Nitrogen management in french dairy syst ems: evaluation and enhancement of nitro gen efficiency and econo mic performance
While nitrogen (N) management has improved significantly on livestock farms, with positive consequences for nitrate concentrations in surface waters (Manneville et al., 2017), the French dairy farming sector must continue its efforts. At the same time, dairy farmers have to cope with market developments (increased milk demand), price volatility and changing agricultural policies. Therefore, reconciling respect for the environment and economic competitiveness has become one of their main objectives. To support them, the “Inosys-Réseau d’Elevage” farms network associates 2,000 breeders and 240 engineers to analyze the management of the farms and disseminate the knowledge and tools needed to improve the systems. The analysis of these farms’ data aims to identify sustainable production systems and key actions that can be implemented by farmers to improve nitrogen (and phosphorus) management, related to economic performances (full results in Foray et al., 2017).