Impact Of The Historical Management Policy On The Urban Soil Organic Carbon Stocks: Case Of Paris City
In cities, the strong heterogeneity of soils, added to the lack of standardized assessment methods, serves as a barrier to the estimation of their soil organic carbon content (SOC), soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) and soil organic carbon citywide totals (SOCCT). However, are urban soils, even the subsoils and sealed soils, contributing to the global stock of C? To address this question, the SOCS and SOCCT of two cities, Grand Paris Metropolis and New York City, were compared. The SOCCT in NYC and Paris were very close when comparing open soils and sealed soils and could be greater than forests and agricultural soils. To enhance standardization of the SOCS assessment in urban soils, we suggest to (1) collect a relevant number of samples, (2) study SOCS along the whole urban soil profile (0-100 cm), (3) determine bulk density of each horizon and (4) include coarse fraction in SOCS calculation.